3 Ways to Revitalise Your Bedroom in 1 Weekend

It can be challenging to know where to start with redecorating your bedroom. With the bedroom being a space which you use on a daily basis, there can often feel like there’s no time to do a full refresh of the décor, but if you can put aside a weekend, there are a huge number of décor changes you can make that will only take a day or two.

Stripping and Staining Your Floor

A good wooden floor can really add a lot of character to a room, and although you might need to put your bed and other large furnishings in storage, you'll be able to complete this task easily in a single weekend. First you'll need to pull up the old carpet and assess the state of the floorboards below, you might be able to stain them straight away, but if they’re a little bit splintered, you'll have to sand the rough parts first before staining. For extra warmth, throw some rugs down once the boards are dry, and this will also add a revitalising splash of colour, too.

Up-Cycled Furniture

A quick trip round your local charity shops might land you a surprise purchase or two which you can use to quickly modernise your bedroom. If you come across an old early 1900s-style suitcase, you can turn it into a fashionable, vintage side table in only a couple of hours; a great little project to keep you busy while the floor is drying. All you need are some small pieces of wood to use for the legs, and some glue to glue them to the suitcase with. Old cases are made of leather, so they're surprisingly strong, even when empty, so they'll take a lot of weight. Check out some great examples on Pinterest.

Trendy Low-Hanging Lights

Don't ignore your lights during your weekend of redecorating. You can create some trendy low-hanging lights for only a little bit of money, and the whole project should take you less than an hour. Buy 3 mason jars from your local DIY store or from an online retailer, and drill a small hole in the lid of each. Then, thread your bulb through the hole and screw the lid back on. The result is a set of lights which are fashionable and cost-efficient.

So if you've been looking to give your bedroom a bit of a shake-up, now's the time. Give yourself a single weekend, and you've be surprised by how much you can achieve.