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Should I reupholster my existing furniture or buy new furniture?

This is an extremely common question I have been asked over the years. Often we have furniture that is in perfectly good condition, but we are tired of the colors, or the fabric is dated and worn. Here is how I have responded to clients about this question. First, I believe you should evaluate the quality and style of the piece. If you have good quality furniture and you are still happy with the style, then reupholstering may be the right thing to do. However, if your furniture was low to moderate quality, then it is usually not worth reupholstering. For example: A sofa may be purchased in the $600.00 - $1000.00 range in retail furniture stores today that will be perfect for your family and suit your taste and budget. However, this quality of furniture can be replaced cheaper than it can be reupholstered. In contrast, if your furniture was a large investment initially, the cost of reupholstering may be lower than replacing with the same quality. Thus, you will retain the investment and quality you initially purchased.

Decorating FAQ 2

Decorating FAQ 4