October 1999 - 5 of 5

Versatile Cornices -- Save You Money!!!

Cornices are a very versatile and economical style of valance that can work extremely well with everything from contemporary to traditional.  The fabric requirements are very minimal, thus keeping the cost way down.  A very large cornice will require no more than two to three yards of fabric, including an allowance for a repeat.  Quite often this treatment is a good candidate for the railroading technique (described in the Sept. newsletter).  Also, inexpensive solids and remnants of more expensive patterned fabric can be combined to create a custom look that is fabulous!!

As a decorator this is one trick I have used often in models as well as with customer to help ease the constraints of a budget.  A simple solid cornice with decorative braid trim makes a classic and stunning treatment.  Again your imagination needs to kick in!!  Once you have the basic cornice built and covered, so many things can be draped or attached to complete the custom treatment.  Available in home improvement stores are cornice forms ready for padding and fabric application.  This can be done with a staple gun for the do-it-yourselfer. 

Here are a few examples of ways to decorate the cornice: Fish netting can be draped over a canvas cornice for a nautical theme.  Lace or tulle can be swaged over and under for a soft, feminine look.  Cane fishing poles can be attached along with fishing lures to complete a charming theme room.  Silk flowers such as white and yellow daisies could be glued to the face of a solid blue cornice to produce personality and charm.  Hopefully, you are beginning to get the idea!  Have fun!  Do not worry, it will be great!!

Happy Decorating,

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